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Find the configuration files for your NextJS project

StartupFast comes with some straightforward configuration files you can find in the following folder /lib/configuration.


You will need to modify this file to update the main website configuration such as: the app's URL, name, description and other metadata.

  • appUrl: the base URL of your application. This is already set from your .env.local
  • appName: the name of your application, will be used as default for your logo
  • appDescription: a brief description of your application
  • appKeywords: keywords for SEO purposes
  • appCreator: the creator or company that created the app
  • defaultTitle and defaultDescription: default metadata for SEO
  • defaultTwitterHandle: the default Twitter handle for social sharing

This is all you need to configure your app. You can customize your SEO settings following the SEO Setup section of the documentation.


You can modify this configuration file to match your desired navigation, StartupFast comes with different menus for each section of the website: Header, Footer, Dashboard Header, Navigation, Dashboard Navigation, Social Links.


This configuration is not mandatory, comes as an helper file to help you setup your products, it is used to create price tiers that are displayed through the Pricing Table. For more informations on how to setup payments and Stripe in NextJS and StartupFast refer to the Stripe Payments section.