Need a custom feature? We can help!

Deploy in 5 Minutes comes with the easiest way to set you up and running in the least amount of time possible. Make sure you have setup your repository access: Set up access.

Switch your branch to "5minsetup":

git checkout 5minsetup

add you app url to the .env.local


NOTE> Your public url is localhost:3000 if you are working locally, you will set up your production url when Going to production

Start your app:

npm run dev

Your application is already up and running, you just have to tailor texts of the main page to your project.

2  <section id="hero" className="py-12">
3    <SplitAnimatedHero
4      announcement={{
5        href: "/",
6        emoji: "📣",
7        text: "Announcement Text",
8      }}
9      heading="Main Heading Goes Here"
10      subheading="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore."
11      button={{
12        text: "Button Text",
13        icon: Flame,
14      }}
15      promotion={{
16        icon: Gift,
17        discount: "Promotion Text",
18        text: "Additional promotion details here",
19      }}
20      image={{
21        src: HeroImage,
22        alt: "Hero Image",
23        width: 960,
24        height: 540,
25      }}
26      showAvatars={true}
27    />
28  </section>
29  <section id="scrolling-logos" className="py-12">
30    <ScrollingLogo />
31  </section>
32  <section id="progress-bars" className="py-12">
33    <ProgressBarDefault
34      firstColumnItems={timeFirstCol}
35      secondColumnItems={timeSecondCol}
36      totalHours="XX hours"
37      headerText="Header Text"
38      subtitleText="Subtitle text goes here"
39      button={{
40        text: "Button Text",
41        icon: Flame,
42        href: "/",
43      }}
44    />
45  </section>
46  <section id="features-tabs" className="py-12">
47    <FeatureTabsWrapper />
48  </section>
49  <section id="features" className="py-12">
50    <TextBlockWithImage
51      variant="right"
52      title="Title Here"
53      highlight="highlight"
54      subtitle="Subtitle"
55      content={<AnimatedListDemo />}
56      showPremium
57      icon={<FlameIcon className="mr-2" />}
58      mode={productsConfig[0].mode}
59      priceId={productsConfig[0].priceId}
60      buttonText="Button Text"
61    >
62      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod
63      tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
64      veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
65      commodo consequat.
66    </TextBlockWithImage>
67  </section>
68  <section id="testimonials" className="py-12">
69    <TestimonialsList
70      testimonials={testimonials}
71      title="Testimonials Title"
72      subtitle="Testimonials Subtitle"
73    />
74  </section>
75  <section id="frequently-asked-questions" className="py-12">
76    <Faqs faqs={faqs} />
77  </section>
78  <section id="get-started-now" className="py-12">
79    <Cta
80      title="Call to Action Title"
81      subtitle="Subtitle Here"
82      description="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
83      buttonText="Button Text →"
84      buttonIcon={<FlameIcon className="mr-2" />}
85      buttonMode={productsConfig[0].mode}
86      buttonPriceId={productsConfig[0].priceId}
87      showPremium
88      buttonHref="/checkout"
89    />
90  </section>