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Payment Setup
StartupFast uses Stripe to handle payments. This includes both subscriptions and one-time payments.
Stripe Account Setup
- Create a Stripe account
- Go to the Stripe Dashboard
- Get your API keys from: Dashboard → Developers → API keys
- Copy both the Publishable Key and Secret Key
Setup Stripe Products
You can configure your Stripe products by adding them from Dashboard → Products.
- Go to Dashboard → Products
- Create a new product:
- Add a product name and its description
- Set pricing (one-time or subscription)
- Copy the price_id after creation
Take note of the price_id, this will be used by the checkout button component to create a checkout session for that specific product.
Configure Webhooks
We use webhooks to correctly manage checkout sessions and give the user access to the product.
Go to Stripe Dashboard -> Developers -> Webhooks
Click "Add endpoint"
Add your webhook URL:
Select events to listen to:
Copy the Webhook Signing Secret
Add to .env.local:
NOTE: During the development/test phase, you most likely want to test the Webhook locally without using a production domain. This can be done with the Stripe CLI, follow the next steps.
Testing Locally
- Install the Stripe CLI
- Login to the Stripe CLI
1stripe login
- Forward your webhooks to your local environment
1stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/payments/webhook
Now while in test mode, your Webhooks events will be sent to your local machine.
Implementing a payment
StartupFast already comes with a checkout-button that will take care of handling the user payment session. You will just need to import the ButtonCheckout
and add the correct properties:
1<ButtonCheckout text="Buy the product" priceId="product-price-id" mode="payment|subscription">
When clicking the button-checkout
, the user will be redirected to the Stripe Checkout.
Webhook customization
You can customize the Webhook behavior if needed by going to the /app/api/payments/webhook/route.ts
. By default, the app is going to set the boolean active in the user row on the database when a payment has successfully been made.
Customer portal
StartupFast already comes with the ButtonCustomerPortal
that can be used to give access to the active users to their payments and information updates on the Stripe website.
NOTE: Remember to test thoroughly in Stripe's test mode before going live. You can use Stripe's test card numbers (e.g., 4242 4242 4242 4242) for testing purchases.
Going to Production
When you're ready to accept real payments, follow these steps:
Disable Test Mode
- Go to your Stripe Dashboard
- Turn OFF Test Mode using the toggle in the top-right corner
Configure Production Keys
- Go to Developers -> API keys
- Copy your production Publishable and Secret keys
- Add them to your production environment:
1STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY=pk_live_... 2STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_live_...
Set Up Production Webhooks
- Go to Developers → Webhooks → Add Endpoint
- Enter your production URL:
- Select the required events:
- Copy the Webhook Signing Secret and add it to your production environment:
Optional: Configure Customer Emails (recommended)
- Go to Settings → Customer Emails
- Enable email notifications for:
- Successful payments
- Refunds
- Failed payments