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Get Started

Welcome to StartupFast

Follow this guide to start up your NextJS boilerplate and start making your project as fast as possible.

Once you are done you can follow this tutorial to deploy your app in a blink.

Access the repository

In your dashboard insert your github username and click the "Get Access Button", you will be given access to the repository: Dashboard. Now you can execute this commands to clone the repo:

git clone https://<the-repo-domain-found-in-your-dashboard> <yourappname>
cd <yourappname>
git remote remove origin

Start the StartupFast locally

  • In the terminal in the folder of your project run the following commands:
1npm install
2npm run dev

** NOTE: ** Startupfast requires Node 18.17 or greater.

  • Rename the file env.example to .env.local

  • Go to Supabase and create your account, create a database and copy the content of the schema.sql in the Supabase query runner to create the tables according to StartupFast structure, for more informations on this step read the following section Database Setup.

  • From the Supabase dashboard, copy your credentials and fill the .env.local variables file:

  • Create your Clerkjs free account to setup your authentication and from the developer sections under API keys copy and paste the standard api keys to your .env.local:

Folder Structure

The application is now ready with the following folder structure:

  • /app contains the pages (every folder contains a page.tsx corresponding to an endpoint of your app)
  • /app/api contains the api endpoints of your application
  • /components contains shadcn and StartupFast custom components used in your pages
  • /lib contains the utility functions and the important configuration files
  • /content contains the blog posts in markdown format, creating a file will create the corresponding article with SEO optimized tags.

NOTE: This is an overview, most concepts will be expanded in other sections of this documentation.

Your application is now ready! If you want to deploy your application ASAP you can follow this tutorial